5 GIN Cocktail Recipes to Chill your Summers

Who doesn’t have good memories of childhood summers? The fresh seasonal chilled fruits, the ice candies, popsicles, ‘barf ka gola’ with our favourite flavour drizzled all over, slushies and mom-made snacks completed the picture of summers. Somewhere in our hearts, we are still kids, and no one ever said they hated frozen or ice drinks. But as adults, we tend to be more inclined to the offerings with booze. So why can’t we tweak the childhood crushed ice soda lemon and make it spiked crushed ice soda lemon?! By now, if you are wondering how to make gin drinks that serve the purpose, then worry no more because The Whisky and Bars brings gin cocktail recipes that have fruity flavours, zesty citrus and lots of ice and chill.


Who doesn’t love a glass full of tasty sweet slush? Even the thought of it brings coolness in the scorching heat. This one is more or less like our good ol’ ‘nimbu paani’, with only lots of crushed ice, some fizz and boozy gin making it all slurpy. So let’s see how to make a gin drink with nimbu paani. We are making this one with Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin because what is better than an Indian gin in desi sherbet?! Ingredients
  • 90ml Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin
  • 8ml granulated sugar
  • Juice from half a lemon or lime
  • Soda water or lemon-lime flavoured soda
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • A slice or twist of lemon or lime for garnishing
Method Throw ice in a food blender. Add the gin, lemon juice and sugar and blend it thoroughly till it gets smooth. Once done, pour it into a cocktail glass. To add the fizz, top it with chilled club soda or lemon flavoured soda and garnish it with a slice or twist of lemon or lime.


Fresh fruit slushes give a different level of pleasure to the taste buds. Frozen Gimlet uses fresh blueberries and mint leaves to make a drink you will enjoy with each sip. You can easily make this gin cocktail at home and surprise your guests with a delightful summer beverage. For this frozen gin cocktail, we are using Beefeater London Dry Gin. Ingredients
  • 45ml Beefeater London Dry Gin
  • ½ cup fresh blueberries
  • 6 mint leaves
  • 22ml simple syrup
  • 30ml fresh lime juice
  • Ice to make it slushy
  • Mint twig and lemon slice for garnishing
Method The method is as simple as it sounds. Fill up the blender with ice. Add all the other ingredients and blend well until smooth. Pour it out in a tall glass and garnish with a mint twig and lemon slice.


Gin and tonic are a classic combination made for each other and one of the best gin mixed drinks. When we add fresh summer watermelon, it delivers a concoction that is hard to resist, even for the ones who are not big gin fans. For this frozen delight, we are using an Indian gin with an interesting story- Stranger & Sons Gin. So mark this gin cocktail recipe for a group you wish to spend a summer evening with. Ingredients
  • 250ml Stranger & Sons Gin
  • 6 cups frozen watermelon cubes (de-seeded)
  • 500 ml tonic water
  • 15ml lemon juice
  • Fresh mint and watermelon wedges for garnishing
Method The first step of this recipe is to freeze the main ingredients- watermelons and gin & tonic. Cut watermelons into cubes and freeze them in a deep freezer. Simultaneously, make a gin and tonic cocktail in a 1:2 ratio or as per your choice. Freeze it separately until frozen. Once both are frozen, add them to a blender along with lemon juice until it turns into a smooth slush. Now pour it into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish it with watermelon wedge and fresh mint leaves.


Another entry to the list of fruity frozen gin cocktails is the Raspberry Gin Frozen cocktail. This adult slushie is made with a handful of ingredients and is easy to make. All you need is to gather the ingredients. Let’s try this recipe with Bombay Sapphire Distilled London Dry Gin. Ingredients
  • 300 g Frozen raspberries
  • 50 ml Bombay Sapphire Distilled London Dry Gin
  • 60ml Lime cordial
  • 2 Limes’ Juice
  • 250ml Club soda
  • Few raspberries and lemon wedges for garnishing
Method To start with, you will have to freeze the raspberries until it is completely frozen. Once done, add them along with all the other ingredients into a blender and give a good churn until you get a smooth texture. Pour it into a chilled cocktail glass, or go off beat and pour it into a chilled mason jar. Top it with club soda, only if you want it to be less thick. Now drop a few raspberries on top and a lemon wedge to garnish.


After berries and watermelon, another loved summer fruit is peach; when you mix it up with citrusy lemon, it makes the perfect summer drink that will surely quench your thirst. For this recipe, we will be using The Botanist Islay Dry Gin because it comes with big citrus notes that perfectly suit the lemonade. Ingredients
  • 120ml The Botanist Islay Dry Gin
  • 90ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 90ml honey syrup
  • 1 cup frozen peaches
  • 1 to 2 cups of ice
  • Fresh mint sprigs for garnishing
  • Fresh peach slices for garnishing
Method To make the honey syrup add an equal amount of honey and warm water and mix until it dissolves. Cool it, and it is ready to use. Just like other recipes, put all the ingredients in a food blender and blend until it gets smooth. Pour it into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish the drink with mint sprigs and peach slices. If you are a gin fan, you will certainly love these coolest and iciest drinks that are so relatable to your childhood (minus the gin, of course!). But if you are trying gin cocktails for the first time with these frozen beverages, then be assured that you will get fond of the freshness and chill they offer. 


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