Rum is a tropical delight that originated in the tropical country of the West Indies. This captivating global drink is consumed all year long in countries across the world. But when it comes to India, it has an entirely different image. Rum in India is considered an alcoholic drink reserved for the winter days. Therefore, an unfinished bottle of rum stays on the rack until the next winter comes. If rum is drunk all year round in the rest of the world, why has it become a warming drink for the cold season in India? Let’s explore! WHY IS RUM A COLD SEASON DRINK IN INDIA? Because all food items in India are temperature tagged! All food items in India are tagged with temperature. They are either hot or cold. Onion, garlic, chicken, eggs, jaggery, mustard, sesame, nuts, dates, papaya, pineapple, coffee and such are hot. While cucumber, curd, gourds, green chilli, sugar, coconut, watermelon, sherbet and such are cold. If all edible items are tagged, then why not alcohol? Alcoholic drinks, in general, are associated with being hot. For that matter, rum is considered the most heat-generating drink. Hence, it has acquired the status of winter drink in India. Because it may have higher calories! According to a few experts, rum may be tagged hot because of its extra calories. Calories, when consumed, produce energy and heat, raising the body's temperature. Molasses is added after distillation in the dark rum to get its dark colour; this undoubtedly may increase the calorie count. Therefore, Indians think more calories mean more heat, so it is well suited for winters. But we know that all alcohols are loaded with calories. Then why point out just the rum?! WHY CAN RUM BE CONSUMED DURING INDIAN SUMMERS? Because it is consumed in summers elsewhere, too! Before we go ahead with the thought that rum is hot, think that the origin of this drink is a warm and tropical country like West Indies, where it’s summers all year long. They drink and enjoy rum all twelve months of the year. So if they can, why not Indians? Because history supports it! Another fact that proves that rum can and shall be consumed in summers is based on a historical fact. It is said that Vagbhata, a renowned Indian Ayurveda guru from the 6th century, used to consume an alcoholic drink made from sugarcane (much similar to rum) with mango juice. Mango is a summer fruit in India, and juice could have only been available that season. This fact, in a way, proves that sugarcane alcohol (a form of rum) was consumed back then in the summer season in India. If an Ayurveda expert did it, it must be the right thing to do! Because rum alcohol content is the same as whisky or vodka! In most brands, the rum alcohol content is 40% ABV. This is similar to many whiskies and vodka. Alcohol, in general, when consumed, produces heat in the body; that is why it is preferred during winters or cold locations. As a whisky-loving nation, we do not put whisky in the hot spot. For once, even rum should be given a chance. Because there are options like Malibu Rum to fight the thought against the heat! Just because one believes that rum is better in winters doesn’t mean it should be avoided at all costs. Malibu Rum is a light rum that perfectly fits Indian needs. It’s light on rum alcohol content and sweet, almost like a liqueur. With just 21% ABV, it is made with Caribbean rum (molasses or sugarcane distillate), water, sugar and added flavouring like coconut, watermelon, pear, strawberry, passion fruit and lime. Lesser alcohol, lesser heat! Because rum taken in moderation is good for health!  Sometimes you may think, is rum good for health? Then you should know that there are many known rum benefits for health. It is considered good for cold & cough when taken in small quantities in warm water. It also helps relieve muscle pain and may aid in the prevention of heart issues. Rum is the only drink that helps to keep scurvy at bay. Some may also say that moderately drinking rum may increase your life span. Isn’t that good news? Because rum doesn’t burn a hole in the pocket! Another rum benefit is that in most markets, it is available at a much cheaper rate as compared to whisky or vodka. At least in India, you can say that with all the good and famous brands that sell rum at pretty reasonable prices, like the good ol’ Old Monk, Bacardi, Captain Morgan, Havana Club, Hercules, Old Port and so on. Because it gives options of chilled and frozen cocktails! There is a long list of mouth-watering and tempting cocktails that use rum as base alcohol. It is the backbone of the fun and chilling cocktails that impresses your taste buds. There will be no life if you scoop out recipes like pina colada, daiquiri, mai tai, and dark & stormy from the summer drinks menu. Besides this, rum makes some delectable frozen cocktails that are a must for scorching Indian summers. Rum, the unsung hero, favoured by Captain Jack Sparrow, is a drink that may not get all the credit but is secretly loved by all; even those who do not know their cocktail tastes awesome because a couple of ounces of rum is making the cocktail what it is. So give a chance to rum this summer by coupling it with your favourite mixers or ordering/making some fun cocktails and not wonder, ‘Why is the rum gone?’. 


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